
Collier Design | Marketing

At Collier Design | Marketing, we have one goal: to put our creative talents to work for you. We are a full-service design and marketing team dedicated to ensuring that your brand rises above the competition.

Working in close collaboration with our clients and customers, we specialize in bringing together branding and marketing into one integrated strategy in order to maximize the success of your inbound and outbound marketing campaigns and increase your ROI.

We focus on creating a visible and memorable brand image, developing effective strategies to ensure that potential customers find you, and then converting potential customers into actual customers.

Our services include:

  • Exceptional graphic design and branding
  • Designer email marketing campaigns
  • Professional print advertising
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Content writing
  • Website design
  • CRM & lead generation


Meet Our Founder and CEO: Jennifer Collier

Jennifer has over 25 years of industry expertise driving highly successful eMarketing and traditional multi-channel communications initiatives. A performance-driven marketing consultant, Jennifer specializes in leveraging brand image and awareness and state-of-the-art SEO techniques to help her clients generate revenue and maximize their ROI. In addition to developing inbound and outbound marketing strategies, Jennifer’s experience includes B2C & B2B marketing strategy and execution, public relations and communications, and special event planning and management.

She has been honored multiple times for her achievements in the field of marketing and advertising, including a Sizzle Award, multiple Charlie awards, and a Best of Category award from the Printer Association of Florida.

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